Exploring Essential Tools for Dynamics 365 Plugins: XrmToolBox for Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Dynamics 365


In this blog post, we will explore one of the most important tools for Dynamics 365 developers: XrmToolBox. XrmToolBox is a free, open-source Windows application that provides a range of tools to simplify customization, configuration, and administration tasks for Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Dynamics 365.

XrmToolBox features

Some features of XrmToolBox include:

  • Connecting to Dataverse and Dynamics 365
  • Exploring and managing data
  • Creating and editing entities, relationships, and fields
  • Creating and editing rules, actions, and interactions
  • Troubleshooting and debugging

How to install and configure the XrmToolBox?

To install XrmToolBox, simply follow the instructions on the project website. To configure XrmToolBox, you will need to create a connection to the Dataverse or Dynamics 365 environment in which you want to work.

Basic XrmToolBox tools for Dynamics 365 plugin development

XrmToolBox provides a range of tools that can be used for Dynamics 365 plugin development.

My favourite tools are:

  • Metadata Document Generator: Generates a text file containing all metadata information for a Dataverse or Dynamics 365 environment.
  • Metadata Browser: Provides a visual interface for viewing and editing metadata for a Dataverse or Dynamics 365 environment.
  • FetchXML Builder: Creates FetchXML queries for retrieving data from Dataverse.
  • Plugin Trace Viewer: Provides an interface for viewing monitoring logs for Dynamics 365 plugins.
  • SQL 4 CDS: Provides an interface for executing SQL queries against Dataverse.
  • Ribbon WorkBench: Provides an interface for customizing the ribbon in a Dynamics 365 environment.

Other tools that could help you with plugin development are:

  • Plugin Registration: Registers a Dynamics 365 plugin in a Dataverse or Dynamics 365 environment.
  • Plugin Registration Using Registration Xml: Registers a Dynamics 365 plugin in a Dataverse or Dynamics 365 environment using an XML file.
  • Plugin Downloader: Downloads Dynamics 365 plugins from the Microsoft AppSource.


XrmToolBox is a powerful tool that can help Dynamics 365 developers develop more efficient and effective plugins. By understanding the basic tools of XrmToolBox, you can start developing Dynamics 365 plugins today.